Call of duty modern warfare call of duty points spend
Call of duty modern warfare call of duty points spend

call of duty modern warfare call of duty points spend

#Call of duty modern warfare call of duty points spend for free

How to get free COD Points in Modern WarfareĮvery Battle Pass will offer a selection of items for free without having to purchase it. This means that, if you reach Tier 74, you will have earned enough COD points to purchase the next Season's Battle Pass. :: The 20 best Xbox One games you can play right nowĬonsidering the Season 2 Battle Pass costs 1000 COD points, we can assume that the Season 2 Battle Pass will also cost the same amount.

call of duty modern warfare call of duty points spend

Unlocking all of the free COD points is not easy, especially considering that the last one is located at Tier 98, which means that, if you're planning on playing Warzone long term, then the Battle Pass is a worthy investment.Īs mentioned above, purchasing the Battle Pass does offer you the opportunity to earn back the COD points you've spent. The COD points reward tiers are as follows: The Season 2 Battle Pass for Warzone offers 1300 COD points, spread across multiple tiers as rewards, with 300 of these COD points being attached to 'Free' tiers. This means, in theory, you only have to pay for a Battle Pass with real money just the once, as provided you put the hours in and save those COD Points until the next season, you can earn the next one through play. It's worth knowing the Battle Pass - which costs 1000 COD Points - will give you 1300 COD Points in return if you level it up to Tier 98, financing the next Battle Pass and then some when it's available. Though you can earn free COD Points - see below as to how - if you wanted to get the Battle Pass, there's no way to get it without spending real money first. Spending real money is the primary and most realistic way of getting COD Points. Levelling up the Battle Pass (some available for free).Purchasing from the Store with real world money.There are two primary methods of getting COD Points in Modern Warfare and Warzone: How to get COD Points in Modern Warfare and Warzone What are COD Points used for in Modern Warfare and Warzone?.How to get free COD Points in Modern Warfare.How to get COD Points in Modern Warfare and Warzone.

call of duty modern warfare call of duty points spend

However, be warned, it might take you a while. Though they are a premium currency and the primary method of unlocking them is through purchasing them with cash, there is a method of getting free COD Points through gameplay. Modern Warfare and Warzone COD Points is an in-game currency that's used for purchasing the Battle Pass or items in the Store.

Call of duty modern warfare call of duty points spend