Why are my documents on mac changing size randomly
Why are my documents on mac changing size randomly

why are my documents on mac changing size randomly

But if you can’t save a document in any form directly on Mac OS 10.15, your permission settings could be behind this. Your permission settings help prevent unauthorized persons from tampering with files on your Mac.

Why are my documents on mac changing size randomly how to#

Var bodyTag = document.getElementsByTagName('body') How to Fix the Documents Could Not Be Saved on macOS 10.15 Solution 1: Correct your Permission Settings. Var imageSrc = document.createTextNode(src)

why are my documents on mac changing size randomly

Interval = tTimeout(callBack, newRandomImage.time, newRandomImage.image) Var ran = Math.floor((imab.length - 1) * num) In any case, I've put up a very simple example for you in JSFiddle - it doesn't solve your problem 100%, because I think it would be cool if you'd put some thinking into how this all works, but this should get you at least something to work with (also on JSFiddle - ) imab = Click the Paper Size pop-up menu, then choose Manage Custom Sizes.

why are my documents on mac changing size randomly

You can see where this is going, right? So you need to call the timeout again once the previous timeout has finished - that goes to a concept of "callback" (google "javascript callbacks"). Choose File > Page Setup (from the File menu at the top of the screen). You need a timeout - but timeouts happen only once. Ive tried with Word documents in Word 2010 and Word 2013, and in both cases simply changing the size of the document window does nothing to the view. Now, you cannot do that with an interval, because intervals happen at a preset, well, interval. I suggest you do some reading on this here: (take a look at Mozilla's Developer Network, or google for it). Fit Page shows the whole page within the document window. Fit Width or Fit Page: When One Page is selected, Fit Width zooms the page to fill the document window horizontally. Choose an option: A percentage: The document enlarges or reduces to the specific percentage. You first need to understand that you can have a multi-dimensional array consisting of a series of objects, instead of plain strings (which is what you have now). Click the Zoom pop-up menu in the toolbar. Well, first off, there are many considerations here.

Why are my documents on mac changing size randomly